Tuesday, July 31, 2018

6 years!

6 years ago, today, Cade was diagnosed with CF. He 25 days old. 6 years ago our lives were turned upside down - not knowing how CF would affect Cade, not knowing what was in store door all of us... At that time, all I knew about CF was that life expectancy was not very long.

6 year's later I do know that Cade is doing so much better than I had expected. He's healthy. His medical team is happy with his health, never did I expect to still be in contact with them after that first day we met them. I remember they were all so nice, but we wouldn't ever see them again because Cade would have a negative sweat test that day. Little did I know that they would be a very important part of our lives...

We know there is the possibility that Cade will not always be so healthy but for now he is a happy, healthy little boy and we will be thankful for every good
day we have!
This is the sweat test to diagnose CF.