Friday, August 1, 2014

July 31

There are a lot of dates that I can't remember anymore.  Luckily, I have my daily planner that I write EVERYTHING down.  July 31, which was yesterday, is one that I have remembered for the past 2 years and probably will forever, without ever needing or wanting to write it down. 

2 years ago yesterday, July 31, Cade was diagnosed with CF.  Second worst day of my life.  The first was 6 days earlier - the day I read his newborn screening letter saying he hadn't passed the CF screening.  Cade's team has been right there with us from day one, helping in any way that they can.  When we left CF clinic a few hours later, our lives had completely changed by some disease we knew very little about.   

In May, I tried doing the CF Awareness 31 days of May.  I made about 1/2 of them.  This was one of the posts that describes the day:

You worry about all of your kids all of the time. When you get the confirmation that your 25 day old child has an illness and words associated with it are disabling and terminal it creates a whole new level of worry. A worry until you make yourself physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted - and it doesn't go away.

When we received his newborn screening letter saying that Cade needed more ...
tests for CF I was devastated. I realized I was emotionally withdrawing from him because I thought he would die in a short time and didn't want to be emotionally close to him. As his mom that made me feel even worse for even thinking that. That feeling only lasted for a couple of days and never returned.

After the doctors told us that Cade did have CF, David and I decided right then that we would do whatever we had to do to keep him healthy. There have been times when we have had to keep each other going, not get down and stay positive. We will continue to do anything and everything we can to keep him with us as long as possible.

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