Friday, February 19, 2016

Cade's Feb Clinic

Cade had is 3 month CF clinic checkup the other day.  I always worry a little about going because I just never know what to expect.  He has had a cold and will not blow his nose (which drives me nuts), so I knew he probably had some sort of infection going on but didn't know if it had moved into his lungs and if we had worse problems than we thought.  He ended up having a sinus infection, which didn't surprise me any.  Other than that, he's in great shape! 

A couple of Cade's team are going to be travelling to a conference this spring to get KU set up for clinical trials for meds.  This is super exciting for us!  Cade's doctor has him in mind once he is old enough and they have meds that are for his specific mutations.  One of Cade's mutations is the most common with almost 1/2 of all CF patients having it.  His other mutation is a rare one.  He is only the 40th person to have the mutation.  There have been more obviously but #40 since they have been able to identify it.  He is only the 26th person to have his CF genetic combination! 

He is as ornery as ever - well into his terrible, attitudinal, know-it-all threes.  He's still as sweet, loving and cute as always though.  He will be starting pre-school in the fall even though he has told me he doesn't need to go.  He still asks EVERY day when we're going to the beach and tells us he loves the beach. 
He's into taking selfies

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